Cloud Computing
AWS Solution Architect
- AWS Solution Architect training with 100% real-time study cases.
- Average salary of Cloud Architect is between 16 LPA to 33 LPA in india.
- Cloud architect is one of the top 10 demand skills in 2020.
- Program is delivered from top level experts from IT industry.

Cloud Computing
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect
- AWS Solution Architect training with 100% real-time study cases.
- Average salary of Cloud Architect is between 16 LPA to 33 LPA in India.
- Cloud architect is one of the top 10 demand skills in 2020.
- Program is delivered from top level experts from IT industry.

Cloud Computing
AWS Developer Associate Certification
- AWS Developer training with 100% real-time study cases.
- The average salary of Cloud developer is between 20LPA to 35LPA.
- Cloud development is one of the top 10 demand skills in 2020.
- The program is delivered from top-level experts from the IT industry.